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FEEDER CALF Thursday, December 12, 2024 - Sawyerville
All calves
  Volume Avg. weight* Avg. price* Price Range* Min. Price Max. Price
  (head)   ($/100 lb live) ($/100 lb live) ($/100 lb live) ($/100 lb live)
400 lb and under 8 379 403 380 - 450 300 450
401 - 500 lb 75 458 420 380 - 470 250 476
501 - 600 lb 182 547 428 360 - 466 150 475
601 - 700 lb 196 644 417 382 - 450 235 450
701 - 800 lb 75 734 369 324 - 395 195 404
801 - 900 lb 12 840 323 312 - 338 250 338
901 lb and over 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0
400 lb and under 12 369 367 300 - 404 300 417
401 - 500 lb 75 466 376 335 - 415 150 430
501 - 600 lb 133 556 373 350 - 390 200 410
601 - 700 lb 55 644 366 334 - 384 100 388
701 - 800 lb 13 726 332 316 - 356 280 356
801 - 900 lb 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0
901 lb and over 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0
TOTAL 836          
* The average weight, the average price and the price range are calculated from 85% of the calves sold in the corresponding weight stratum.
The statistics are updated in real time.
We thus suggest you to remain careful in the interpretation of the values before the end of the sales of all the calves to be sold.

  Please click on Chicago FEEDER CATTLE futures market to access the futures market quotes.

Market data updated by the Producteurs de bovins du Québec
All information comes from the Producteurs de bovins du Québec and Quebec live animal auctions.
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